Get rewarded for expanding the x+why community. If you know someone looking for a new office, you can receive a fantastic bonus for signing them up!
1. The referral is payable for any new private office introduction.
a. fee will be applicable to any new introduction where x+why aren’t already engaged in conversation or have been aware of the company/requirement in the previous 6 months.
2. The 5% fee is applied for the initial term for a period up to 12 months.
a. £10,000+VAT pcm contract for 12 months. Total fee due £6,000
b. £10,000+VAT pcm contract for 6 months (or 12 months with a break clause at month 6). Total fee due £3,000.
3. The fee will be paid within 60 days of having received a signed contract, deposit and first months rent payment.
4. Deal must be closed within 4 months from the date of introduction.
5. Once a viewing is booked by x+why, this secures the fee position for the referring member.
6. If a referral is received and a partnering commercial agent or broker later introduces the lead and successfully books the initial viewing, the fee will go to the individual that arranged the viewing.
If you've got any further questions feel free to email us at or ask at reception!