We want to make creating stand-out content + sharing it powerfully simple for our members which is why we've put together an in-house amplification studio.
We want to make creating stand-out content + sharing it powerfully simple for our members!
We've put together an in-house amplification studio which all x+why members have access to as part of our community.
Are you a member at x+why? If so, through the studio, you can book in to have a suite of custom created pieces of content made for you by industry experts for FREE.
This includes:
A photo + video shoot of you (+ your team) at x+why, you can use these pieces of content for your own marketing and PR
A shoutout on our members' portal, introducing you to our community of peers
A feature on the x+why blog, linking to your website, talking about the 'why' behind your work
Afeature in our weekly SnapShot email to members + in our monthly email to our wider community of peers
Access to our online amplification studio form where you can fill out details of your marketing and PR ideas. We will respond within 24 hours with ways in which we can support