#WhoWhatWhy - Rupert Dean, CEO of x+why

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November 7, 2023
·  1 min read
#WhoWhatWhy - Rupert Dean, CEO of x+why
#WhoWhatWhy - Rupert Dean, CEO of x+why
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“Never take yourself too seriously and take more time for yourself at the front and back of each day.” We interviewed x+why’s own CEO, Rupert Dean. As always, we start in at the deep end with “What is your why?”

We couldn’t launch a community interview series and not put our very own CEO, Rupert Dean, in the hotseat. Alongside Tanya Donald and Phil Nevin, Rupert is one of x+why’s three co-founders. A purpose-driven entrepreneur uniting a community of purpose driven entrepreneurs and businesses within inspiring flexible workspaces.


Rupert Dean, CEO of x+why

Rupert, What is your 'Why’?

I spent 15 years trying to find my "why"! I then stumbled across the concept of businesses who were thriving by placing culture and positive/authentic brand values at the heart of what they did. Of course, every business should do this but reality was that not many were truly mission led. The problem was that there wasn't a physical environment to unite all of these types of businesses and entrepreneurs. I wondered what would happen if we put all of these incredible people under one inspiring roof, amplifying what they were doing and seeing if we could enhance their impact. So, that has become my mission - to support these impactful businesses and prove that they create more long term sustainable, profitable and successful brands.


Tell us something you find helpful in your working day.

Never take yourself too seriously and take more time for yourself at the front and back of each day. I try and exercise every morning, have breakfast with my kids and supper with my wife. In between all that it's crazy but you have to learn to stop (otherwise you will become unproductive). But that's just my approach, everyone is different.


Shoutout time! Name a company you think are doing great things.

Too many to name but I have a soft spot for Toast Ale. A certified B Corp who are using wasted bread to create award winning beer. Thus helping to solve the waste in our food system whilst creating a phenomenal product. For me, they set the bar pretty high on what Mission Driven business looks like. Cheers!


And something you are proud of from the last year?

I think building our team has been the proudest thing. A look around at everyone who works at x+why and wonder how an earth we did it. It can be surreal when you sometimes stop and think about where you have come from. I am of course also really proud of the spaces we have created in Birmingham last year and the number of members we now have at x+why. I pinch myself sometimes...


Reading recommendation?

Have you heard of Mission Lit? Incredible book written by Richard Johnson. Based on interviews with leading CEO's of Mission Driven businesses about what they do to drive their mission and build culture in the workforce. Available from all x+why's!


Thank you, Rupert, for sharing your world with us and for all you do guiding x+why on it’s mission to change the way the world works, for good.


If you aren’t already, be sure to follow Rupert on LinkedIn and Instagram for more insights on the world of x+why from a CEO perspective.

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