International Women’s Day: Forgotten Women

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November 7, 2023
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International Women’s Day: Forgotten Women
International Women’s Day: Forgotten Women
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The 8th March marks International Women’s Day - a worldwide holiday commemorating the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. X+why members Forgotten Women are a remarkable charity run by women for women, that are dedicated to helping women in crisis and emergencies. We spoke with Sunny Bahia to find out more about the transformational impact that they have in rebuilding lives across the globe.

The 8th March marks International Women’s Day - a worldwide holiday commemorating the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. x+why members Forgotten Women are a remarkable charity run by women for women, that are dedicated to helping women in crisis and emergencies. We spoke with Sunny Bahia to find out more about the transformational impact that they have in rebuilding lives across the globe.


What is the Forgotten Women mission statement?


To transform the lives of vulnerable women through aid, opportunity and voice. We envision a world where every woman is given the opportunity to live a life free from humiliation, poverty and abuse. A world in which women are free to preserve their dignity, health, well-being and economic independence.


Can you tell us a little more about your background and how you came to get involved with FW?


“It is the unbearable suffering and exploitation of vulnerable women around the world, that I chose to make a difference through Forgotten Women.” Sunny Bahia


The journey started in 2013 during the Syrian conflict, women were lured into transactional sex, abused, raped and as the bombs fell on the women of Aleppo they were miscarrying due to the fear and panic of the chaos of war. After much consultation we decided to build a women’s only hospital, a hospital that would be run by women.


Unfortunately, the situation changed instantly in Aleppo and the project could no longer be delivered. We quickly realised that as much as the women of Syria needed help, women around the world were also yearning for assistance for basic humanness, aid and support without the threat and the pressure of having to compromise their dignity.


It was a moral duty to stand up and make a change, this is the sole reason Forgotten Women came into existence. Registered in October 2016 and our first safe aid delivery was for the Syrian women of war on the border of Turkey and Syria. Delivering safe aid for women by women for 5 years now.


The three areas of work we focus on is: safe aid (emergency), transforming lives and advocacy. We believe that these three areas are where the vulnerability of a woman is magnified and committing our work around this, we can ultimately protect the dignity of a woman.


Our journey has taken us to helping women in Somalia, Malawi, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Yemen, Syria and locally in the UK. We are here to help and deliver aid to the hard-to-reach areas, deliver opportunities so women don’t have to live in poverty or compromise their dignity.


Feminism is about gender equality, so includes men as well as women, however what are some of the challenges that women in particular face?


For FW we have witness many struggles women face in different countries, from not having the opportunities of income to not having access to food in order to feed her children. Transactional sex involving humanitarian aid is a serious issue that violates the fundamental value of being human.


Imagine your family in dire need of basic food aid but in order to receive this, sexual favours are requested in return from your mother, sister or even your daughters, this is the stark reality in many emergency zones. Forgotten Women only allows women on the front line to deliver aid (women to women contact), this is to tackle the manipulation of vulnerable women in unsettled circumstances.


What are some of the impacts that FW are having in this arena?


Sex for aid and sexual exploitation should not and will not be tolerated. Part of our safe aid delivery is to provide loving arms of comfort and emotional support these beautiful women long for.


Forgotten Women has a strict ethical code of conduct which has zero tolerance to sexual exploitation of the weak and vulnerable. We are here to serve those in need and in the same breath protect those who we serve. To honour our safe aid policy we only allow women on the front line to deliver aid (women to women contact).


Our objective is to offer women the opportunity to develop their independence and protect their dignity. Every woman deserves the right to live a safe and happy life, with your support we can make that a reality.


How can more people get on board with your purpose and mission?  


If you believe in humanity then you are already there, visit our social media and tune in to the great work we are doing. Volunteer to further our cause and spread the great work.  


What motivates you?


Knowing the difference we make to women’s lives, seeing the smile on their faces. Sometimes we follow up on women years later, when we learn they are earning and supporting their family due to a business we help them develop makes it all worth while.


What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned?


You will never get poor giving and that there is no life without humanity.


How has what you do, changed you as a person?


I am now able to see people and not judge them, the labelling has stopped. I am also very grateful for my daily blessing which I used to take for granted.


What is your vision for the future personally and professionally?


To make sure that FW grows in the right direction with the right people. To make sure we maintain good hearts and that each beneficiary is happy with the help we have given. We want FW to continue for many years, helping women to achieve greatness.


What do you love most about x+why?


X + Why is a very relaxed environment which aids our work and helps us to think outside the box. The space we are in is great, it aids our progression in a creative way. Often we will meet people from other companies who will support FW and vice versa which then makes our work valuable. We have room for growth in a creative manner.
